Who performs the surgery?

Dr Hanna, M.D. is a well-known cosmetic surgeon with an excellent track record of plastic surgeries. Vaser Shape is done in our office by trained medical personnal.
Brief overview of the surgeries
All the surgeries are performed in the surgical room inside our center. We strongly recommend a consultation before any surgery. Consultation fee for vaginal rejuvenation procedures is deducted from the total price of the surgery; consultation for body shaping procedures is FREE. All surgeries are done under a local anesthesia that helps us better monitor the patient and it's less harnful for the patient. You will walk out of our office!
What is my next step, if I'm interested in Body Shaping Procedures?
Dr. Hanna and his staff will be happy to discuss this with you in complete privacy and utmost confidentiality. To schedule a private consultation call Dr. Hanna's office at (805) 351-0843 and talk to his friendly staff. Or you might want to schedule a FREE consultation online.

Liposuction Procedures
Smartlipo / Liposuction surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures; it's also one of the most requested around the world. Smartlipo / Liposuction is used to help men and women reduce unwanted fat from the stomach, hips, thighs, knees, buttocks, love handles, neck and face to achieve a more ideal body contour. Liposuction is simply taking the fat out by suction it from under the skin. Consultations are FREE!
Read more about Liposuction
Read more about Smartlipo
Read more about Vaser Liposuction
Abdominoplasty and Tummy Tuck
La Nouvelle Medical Spa specializes in Mini Tummy Tuck procedures as well as in full Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tucks). Mini Abdominoplasty is a procedure that immediately follows the liposuction to tighten the excess of skin after fat removal. The procedure is performed on a lower section of abdomen and is done under a local anesthesia. This is when Dr. Hanna cuts out the loose skin so that your belly looks flatter after the surgery and you wouldn't have loose skin hanging. Mini-Abdominoplasty, or mini-tummy tuck, is performed only on patients that have a small amount of lower abdomen issues of loose skin and stretch marks and does not have to have their abdominal muscles tightened.
Tummy Tucks, better known in the medical field as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure when a specialist tightens up weakened abdominal wall muscles by removing the loose hanging abdominal skin.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular kinds of plastic surgery. It enhances the size and shape of your breast, corrects imbalances, improves firmness, and restores the body contours. It is a great choice to enhance your figure. Dr. Hanna achieves amazing natural results in breast augmentation with Silicone Implants.
Usually women add two sizes to their breast. Sometimes, they can go for even more in breast augmentation. Talk to Dr. Hanna to determine your best solutions.
Read more about Breast Augmentation...
Vaser Shape
Vaser Shape is non-invasive technique to shape, firm and smooth the body by: • Heating the fatty tissue layer • Reducing the appearance of cellulite • Improving lymphatic drainage and local blood circulation. It is the quickest and easiest way to a "shapier" figure. Here, at the office, we are seeing great results in in treating of cellulite and especially using Vaser Shape as a Post Liposuction procedure. If you previously had a liposuction but still would like to correct some other areas, then Vaser shape is for you. With Vaser Shape you can't achieve dramatic results; Vaser Shape is not a substition for liposuction procedures, it is rather a correcting procedure. It works great on the neck area.
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